Thursday, December 5, 2013

I still having a good year!

Well, today I'm going to do an evaluation to my year.
I think that this year was good in many aspects
First of all, I started to work, first in a "tanguería" (is a place in where people dance tango)only  Sunday and after that I started to work in children birthdays like a entertainer, I do games and dynamics, paint the nails and others things too.
I thought that i couldn't work and study in the same time , but this year proved that I can, and is not terrible.
When I started on the work I felt great, for first time in my life I've been independent.
On the other hand I've been defining my future, choosing work areas and defining my preferences too. And I've been lucky in that, I think that I have a favorite area because in my plans i want to work in that (how you know this area is the investigation).
But not everything is good, although has been a good year  there are things that not be so cool , for example the fact that  now I work and study at the same time let me without time to me, so I had to reorganized my priorities. Now i don't have so much time to my friends or my family, or to read a good book, o whatever, and sometimes I feel really tired, and the only thing that I want to do is sleep, but I can do it because I have more important things to do... But well is not the end of the world and is ending the year, and after that I only have to work!
Really this year was awesome, I say was, because the most important thing that happen in this year is past now.
Thanks to my work I could go to Easter island with my friends in august, a wonderful journey and like other achievement in this moment I feel independent I'm still living in my parent house but i have the control!!
I think that this year was a good year, I did thing that I can't believe that I could do, and I changed aspect in my personality, now to be this year most awesome I'm trying to quit smoking, I hope to be successful!
And finally I hope to 2014 be a good year too!
(here a picture to me in my work jajajaja )

Thursday, November 28, 2013

We will be an environmental friend

Hello! today I'm going to talk about environmentally friendly.
In this times this topic is very popular, everybody talks about the environmental.
why they speak about that? well I think that  because this topic is important and the media promotes environmentally friendly actions.
In the school, childrens learn about the environmental, in fact the little kids know that because in the kindergarten they have a  matter about the environmental.
In my own case, I really love the practices environmentally friendly, I try to recycling the most i can, in my house we recycle the milk boxes, plastic bottles and plastic bags too, we try to buy only recycling or biodegradable things.
In the past few months we  ( my family and me) want to install in our yard a compost, and make our own  fertilizer.
there are many ways to be a environmental friend one of this ways is the recycling way, but there are others options like use the bike, I love go out with my bike, but my house is far away to the university, for this reason is impossible using it to come here.
I've never been a member of one eco-organization and, but i would be! maybe when I have more time.
I think that be an environmental friend is a complex thing and these actions have an influence in all aspects of environmental, for example using the bike is good because this practice reduce the carbon footprint and promotes a healthy lifestyle, when people recycle, the factories reduce their polluting because they don't have to made new things, they only have to use the old things and this is good to the environment too.
This is a big problem in our days, people knows about that but they  don't have  a real change in their habits.
This is, in part, a government fault, because they have to promotes more environmental laws!
In this topic we have so much things to do! hands on work!!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

motivation to study psychology

well, today I'm going to talk about the "motivation to study psychology"... very difficult topic.
When I got into the carrier I felt that I knew that I want, but when  time passed I realized that my likes had change.
When I got into I want to help people, makes changes in  the world, learn about the human mind, and the animal mind too,I thought  that I could do many things for the people in many areas... but now, I don't know which is my motivation to be here..
I love psychology, and I think that is very important to everybody, but  I think that is nice and interesting but only to know about it, I don't want to be a psychologist.
This idea is very different to my oldest idea about psychology because when I started the carrier
I really wanted to turn me in a psychologist.
 I still love the psychology , but not the practical psychology, I love the experimental psychology, the evolutionary psychology, and the comparative psychology.
This areas are very unpopular in the practice of psychology, because this works preferentially with animals.
well, after that, I have to say that I what to still learning about this topics, I really want to made researches  and find new things! I love human mind and I think that is the most amazing thing in the world, the most mysterious and complicated. For this reason I want to be a researcher and no a psychologist.
But obviously i will still working with mind and cognition, but this way of work don't be in a  therapy.
The knowledge that the researches does are important and this findings are the basis to a lot therapies and theories too.
So, my motivation to still be here studying psychology, is know more about the mind and maybe makes researches to enhance this knowledge.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Pregnant mothers who exercise boost babies' brains

Hello everybody! today i'm going to talk about a little summary for this new!
here the link -->

Well this new talks about mothers to do exercise in her pregnancy, and the researchers discovered that this activity boost  the develop in the baby brains.
This findings are important because this boost in the develop can be benefit to the baby and the performance  they do when they are a newborn. 
This impact on her baby's brain can be do it with a routine of exercise  around 20 or 30 minutes three times in a week. 
One study that used 10 moms in a exercise routine and 8 moms in a sedentary group, shows that babies of mothers who exercise had a better  patterns in their brain activity.
In fact "The babies born from mothers who were physically active have a more mature cerebral activation, suggesting that their brains developed more rapidly,"
The fact that the babies have a more mature cerebral activation is so important, because this is the door to learning to speak and to understand the sounds around you.

This findings about the repercussion that have the exercise in the develop on the baby brain is so important because this can be a way to stimulate the baby and maximize the capacity that baby have to learn new things. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Today I'm going to talk about holidays, the best part of the year... our loved holidays.
in this moment I'm so anxious because, only two months left for the holidays!
My body and my mind are tired, and is moment to take a free time.
The holidays are important because makes the people happy, the common people work hardly all year only for holidays, in these moment of the year, they are they, they can do everything they want.
In holidays we can meet people, make new friends, found a summer love, and have a great time. The laugh are abundant and we can see more smiles in the street.
When I'm on holidays I love stay in my house, with my family , I love watch T.V for many hours, and can do everything! maybe make a cake,  paint something,  listen a new CD, or whatever.
But this activities are not the unique activities that I love do in holidays, I love travel, but I don't have a favorite place,I like see new places and meet new people, I love the beach, but I love the country too, I love nature so, I love forests too jajaja really I love holidays!
This summer we, me and my family decided to go to south, we want see all the south until Chiloé. they are a good group to go out, but they are no so funny, is for this reason that i prefer go out with my friends.
But is more comfortable and I feel more secure with my parents. Really with my parent or my friends is good go out in holidays!
So holidays! comes to me!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

My lovely pets

Helloooo! today I'm going to talk about my favourite topic. MY BEAUTY AND LOVELY PETS!
I have many pets, they are four.
I have two cats, one dog and one turtle.
The older is the dog, her  name is luna, and the smaller is the new cat, the last member of the family, my second cat, he is beautiful and blond! his name is Fenix, but everybody calls he for a different name, and the most popular in the family is flifli.
But, flifli is not the only cat in my house, my other cat, my favourite cat is piter, he is a beautiful and wonderful cat, is the best. He always makes me feel happy, is so funny and a really mysterious cat, sometimes a think that he wants to be a dog, because he loves plays as a dog.
He is my sweet love, when I met he, i felt a big hate for he, immediately! :C but when the time was passing I begin to feel a really true love for he, and now he is my baby...
My pets have different ages, my dog luna have 14 years old, she is a very very old dog, and a friend of my dad gave to me when i was a child, my lovely cat piter have around 2 years old, and one of my friends gave to me. My turtle is not really mine, is property to my little brother, but I was the one who gave it to him!, and finally my second cat fenix, i don't know what old is it, because he came to me, no one gave to me.
I love my pets, I really love them. I think that people have pets because they make people happy! and this is a powerful reason.
Now pictures of all my pets, i hope you enjoy it!
This is my honey moon, luli love 

This is my baby, piter, he is handsome, no? 

This is second love, fenix

well and finally, she is the turtle called, turtul ajajaja she have a funny name...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I want to visit japan!

Yes! I want to visit japan!
when someone ask me, where place do you want to visit? I always answered England, or Finland maybe Ireland... but now! I really want to go to japan!
I want to go, because I loves his culture and because I want to see with my own eyes if the country is like they show in the animes.
In this last times I saw so many animes and this cartoons shows really beautiful places, houses, parks, trees, very lovely trees with pinks leaves! and mores so interesting.
All things I know about japan is via internet, last night I was watching an anime and the characters say something  about a mysterious city under the ocean, and who I'm a curious girl i looked on internet this information and 
IS REAL!  really there are a city under the ocean in japan! this discover increased my wishes to visit japan!
If  I will can go to japan today, I want to go to study there, but this only if I want to go now jajaa. In my plans I want to go only to visit, and do so many tours for all touristic parts! and obviously the secret city under the ocean!
Japan wait for me!